The act of spontaneously changing something for the worse even though little to no change has been asked for. All in the name of trying to make things better. Especially done by one in authority
Todd: dude you are facebooking right now, quit!
Jordan: i know they did ask for wasabi on their pizza but i know they want it and they'll like it
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where crackas go to talk to other crackas. or where weak ass bitches post pussy ass status' about them self.
C Dawg: Yo nigga you herr about dis Facebook shit nigga
J Dawg: Ya nigga dat shits fo crackas nigga
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A MySpace wannabe. Pedophile's roam widely around this website, pretending to be young teenage girls, in order to get the chance to molest young teenage girls. The reason for the countless hours kids spend in their room.
AnchorMan: The pedophile was last seen in Texas, New York, and Facebook.
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A wannabe myspace.
It makes people think they are
more sophisticated than those with myspaces.
sally: i just made a facebook!
jane: you freakin douche. Nobody interesting has a facebook!
sally: i was just trying to be sophisticated :(
jane: you're fired from life. get a myspace.
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Due to the upsurge in high school facebookers whose only other friends are other high school facebookers, facebookable is defined as any picture that displays the said facebooker's status as a crazy partier or otherwise macho person. Thus, the only non-facebookable pictures are ones that show people with their grandmothers, or helping out orphans.
"Shit man, don't put that picture up, that's not facebookable!"
"Why not? It's of you reading to your brother before he goes to sleep."
"Exactly. Here, take this one, it's me passed out in a pool of my own vomit after a killer party!"
"Whoa brah you are so cool!"
"Check out the cigarette in my hair!"
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When you've budgeted time to catch up on notifications and read status updates.
I haven't checked PerezHilton yet... I'm still facebooked.
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A place where stupid fucking whores can post all their drama
Facebook post- Omg Becky is such a whore shes slept with so many guys
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