Bestfriends with Minty Ranger this girl keeps her out of too much mischief. Georgia is a very pretty girl and her short height makes her even more attractive in boys eyes. The boys that tend to like her are blonde or partially blonde whereas her taste in girls differs to black haired girls. Georgia is very sensible and is easy to make laugh overall a very good friend.
“Wow look at Georgia Kydd she is so nice and funny I really want to be friends with her” said everyone in existence “I might even be changing my sexuality because she is so pretty. and her personality is amazing, woah Minty must be so lucky well they do make a good duo!”
The best bloody Australian Liza koshy you tuber there is
“Shut up brother, I’m watching the Australian Liza Koshy, georgia studios
Georgia is a farmer. She posts rants on Snapchat so don’t miss out on that. Georgia has a dog who is a GOOD BOI! Georgia is a good friend and makes sure to tell Halle when she doesn’t have good handwriting!
An incredibly beautiful girl who is loyal and funny. She's smart and sporty.
Georgia plumb is she single
A man with a shovel, used to dig trenches and pits around energized buried power lines where machine digging is not allowed.
Senior guy: "So I think the cable is damaged here. Well, better get the Georgia Backhoe going and dig it up"
Junior guy: "How long will it take for them to get here with the backhoe?"
Senior guy: "Here is your shovel."
Honestly the biggest monstrosity known to man-kind. Usually unclean, emitting strong odours, along with having yellowish nails. No body wants to be this person.
ew, have you showered today?? you look like georgia drummond
This is a red type of flower found on georgia that looks exactly like a normal rose
Instead of Mike giving Jane a bunch of flowers he gave her a georgia rose
7👍 7👎