means good game but could also be used in the case of someone getting something useless in a game someone might say gg to be sarcastic
person one: i just got so much dirt in minecraft for some reason person two: gg
GG’s are cool. They’re Asian. Love rice, and love God. If you know a GG, you’re lucky af. Get to know a GG. He’s related to Genghis Kahn. He’s a level 420 Asian
Asian is GG
gg is something you say at the end of a round or game. gg means good game .
You would say gg at the end of a game no madder if you won or lost.
At the end of the match bob said "gg"
(GG)is short for Good Game and its used in games when a player or a Team of players win a round! its similar to the words Fair Play! its usually used in Video Games or Sports.
(Player 1 has been eliminated)
Player 1:GG bro! not bad
Player 2: Thanks man! GG!
Although it is commonly referred to as 'good game' in Diablo II it means 'godly gear'.
#1: Haseen ran travincal all night long on his gold find barb, he was rewarded with some gg drops.
#2: Haseen: "Check out this 45 all res eth Sacred Targe I got last night!"
Waheed: "Brooo that's gg!!!"
Emilio: "gg"