What skywars players say as well as noob and hax
Nooooo I died agian
Y don’t u try and git gud
When there is one like ,,is there one?''
refered to a Joint
Hey bro, gits ein?
Yes of course. I've got some new dope
A rough arsed git is normally someone that appears to have good workmanship when in fact the work they produce is to a poor standard.
That work you did looked good, until I did a propper inspection and found out your just a rough arsed git
A rough arsed git is normally and engineer on a construction site that appears to have good workmanship when in fact the work they produce is to a poor standard.
Engineer: "that wall looks good you get the weepholes in ok"
Junior engineer: "them weepholes in that wall are wrong and not where they should be, I just bodged them to make them look good"
Engineer: "you rough arsed git"
The act of permanent termination of a relationship without any apparent reason or catalyst.
A stronger form of silence treatment in that the discontinuation of communication is permanent.
Eric walked past me without saying hi for no reason. He must've git pulled on me.
Anish thinks he got git-pulled, but apparently he got a heads up about the silence treatment. Because there was a heads up, he didn't get git pulled.