A grouping or collection of backwood savages, subsisting mainly on the chemical concoction of heroin or similar substances.
Uncle flaccid, while investigating a suspicious property, was nearly crucified by the local Heroin Hillbillies
Another name for the seasoned salt franchise restaurants and dive bars sprinkle on their crappy potato products.
These nasty potato wedges are covered in hillbilly salt!
When a man masturbates until completion and ejaculates into his hand, and then proceeds to shove the cum into his cousins vagina/anus.
Last night Eddie and I snuck away at the family reunion and he gave me a hillbilly hand pie.
A warm beer.
Guy #1: Hey get me a beer.
Guy #2: Sorry man, no cold ones looks like you got to take a hillbilly beer.
When you eat your Cousin's ass while she's on her period and has acne on her but cheeks.
"Saucey with a touch of peperoni"
- Some redneck.... probably
I would rather have a Hillbilly Pizza than eat your creampie Charlie.
Having sex with a person that has a colostomy bag then force all the shit in her colostomy bag to one side so it’s taught then burst it with a pencil so rains down like black gold Texas T.
I took this chick home from the bar the other night and gave her The Beverly Hillbilly.