A dad who is so hip that he uses all of cool lingo and knows how to get down with the kids
Hey did you see that hip dad at the party?" "Yea man that dad was swag like a hype beast!"
When sex is too good and are unable to pull out
She was rocking me so good that I got hip locked.
another way of saying “i know about that”
“yoo what song is that”
“this that new ___”
“who is that?”
“mann u nat hip”
A grandma walking around outside a flea market in trendy clothes. For example...
Yeah dude, I saw a hip grandma the other day outside of the flea market. She was wearing a top with no shoulders, red lipstick, flip flops, and booty shorts.
Friend: Dude that's an old streetwalker.
being hip and with it, understanding slang, keeping up with the ever changing terms the youths use and find hilarious even though they will still look at you funny for understanding their language
Sadie is so hip and with the youths and uses words like rip and extra all the time, she's so embarrassing
Food kept on a utility belt; specifically for feeding to horses to keep them around.
Person: Woah there girl, gettin' a little hungry are we? You want a hip snack?
Horse: Nay!
A homeschooler who looks and acts like a normal kid, has friends, but is still less likely to get into drugs and alcohol. Contrary to popular belief, 75% of kids who are homeschooled are actually hip homeschoolers.
Normal kid: "Where do you go to school?"
hip homeschooler: "I'm homeschooled. But don't worry, I'm not what you think, I'm actually a normal kid who has friends and knows how to talk to people."