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Dead But Lit

The feeling when you feel dead inside but lit at the same time. Or vice versa. You can feel dead in the present moment but the when the future holds the potential to be good you feel lit. It can also include feeling joy or happiness from a previous experience like a night out while feeling hungover at that moment.

Person A : I am feeling so dead from last night

Person B: But last night was so lit

Person C: Felling dead but lit!

by Mr Caveman February 15, 2020

hypin lit

When you’re way past lit.
But too hype to realize.

You’re hypin lit bro.

Ellie is so hypin lit today bro. Her chill is nonexistent.

by Stinkofgary January 12, 2018


The perfect level between buzzed and drunk.

Bro last night I was mid-lit and it was excellent

by TCOMBS May 28, 2018

lit issue

some lit ass sex with the person u least expect

aye bruh lisa wit the big nose gave me my lit issue yesterday shit was bangin

by kobracharmer September 8, 2017

sober lit

Having a good time without drinking or use of drugs.

we are getting lunch today its going to be sober lit

by chaseisadinckleweed August 12, 2017

Litted out

Slang definition for things that used to be lit but isn't anymore. Usually, do to overhype like Pokemon GO.

"That bottle flit challenge go Litted out man, it's so old now." - Nagisto Hasaki

by Gravvie.Boatte January 18, 2018


So drunk you wake up with no memory of the prior night's events. i.e. Blackout drunk

Bro, why are your eyebrows shaved? Man, I got so lit-turnt last night, I don't know.

by Julie2 July 3, 2023