When Santa gets his North Pole hoes and has the best foursome ever before going to molest the children of the world
I hope the Santa has a big jolly christmas
A nasty diarrhea made up of pure liquid, similar looking to coffee
Jesus fucking Christ, Chris! Did you take a jolly rotten in the toilet again?
A day where your mind is just totally out of it.
I was really focused until I took a nap... from then on I had a jolly lot.
The sothern Illinois version of saying "holy shit". Usually said by 40+ yr old men with shaved heads often named R...o..b..b..i..e with "-ie" in the end not "-y". Work at banks or something like that.
Girl, she be like " 200 men in Illinois dont earn $10,282 a year...OMG!"
R..o..b..b..i..e, he be like "JOLLY MOSES!!..!..!" (he be throwing some candy at that girl.)
Jesus, he be like "HELLOOO!"
When your male friend has just come out of a breakup and is down in the dumps, you get on 1 knee and suck the tip of his penis a little until he reaches a half chub. This usually boosts his confidence again. Works best when its given from a male friend that is straight, as this gesture is the ultimate act of care and kindness.
John needs a Jolly frenchman, he isnt feling up for the boys weekend.
During Christmas time you put minty hot chocolate in your mouth and spit it in a girls ass
I was at my family’s Christmas dinner when I gave my little sister a jolly jammer
A legend, a king, a hero. This man will lighten up the darkest of days.
Born to be superior. Is the superior.
Oh my, he's so brave. He's probably a Jolly Mathew!