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big jolly

When Santa gets his North Pole hoes and has the best foursome ever before going to molest the children of the world

I hope the Santa has a big jolly christmas

by iuserandomtuxedos December 17, 2017

Jolly Rotten

A nasty diarrhea made up of pure liquid, similar looking to coffee

Jesus fucking Christ, Chris! Did you take a jolly rotten in the toilet again?

by ytatsavgdjsdbjgdfkjbg June 1, 2022

Jolly Lot

A day where your mind is just totally out of it.

I was really focused until I took a nap... from then on I had a jolly lot.

by Sweet 'N Low November 19, 2008

Jolly moses

The sothern Illinois version of saying "holy shit". Usually said by 40+ yr old men with shaved heads often named R...o..b..b..i..e with "-ie" in the end not "-y". Work at banks or something like that.

Girl, she be like " 200 men in Illinois dont earn $10,282 a year...OMG!"

R..o..b..b..i..e, he be like "JOLLY MOSES!!..!..!" (he be throwing some candy at that girl.)

Jesus, he be like "HELLOOO!"

by jesus037 November 13, 2009

Jolly Frenchman

When your male friend has just come out of a breakup and is down in the dumps, you get on 1 knee and suck the tip of his penis a little until he reaches a half chub. This usually boosts his confidence again. Works best when its given from a male friend that is straight, as this gesture is the ultimate act of care and kindness.

John needs a Jolly frenchman, he isnt feling up for the boys weekend.

by Jerry Jonesman August 10, 2021

jolly jammer

During Christmas time you put minty hot chocolate in your mouth and spit it in a girls ass

I was at my family’s Christmas dinner when I gave my little sister a jolly jammer

by January 2, 2021

Jolly Mathew

A legend, a king, a hero. This man will lighten up the darkest of days.

Born to be superior. Is the superior.

Oh my, he's so brave. He's probably a Jolly Mathew!

by Max Ingham April 4, 2024