the sharpest corner of a large stone (adage) - a proverb referring to the best ability of a person.
When it's about to hit you, and it's too large to escape from, you mainly try to get away from the sharpest corner of a large stone. Similarly, you should only show the greatest talents possessed by you to others—not the dumbest ones.
The worlds largest particle accelerator located in Switzerland that collides subatomic particles at almost the speed of light, with the goal of re-creating the conditions of the big bang.
The large hadron collider is rumored to cause blackholes that will end the world be conspiracy theorists.
Mponeng hole
A Mponeng Hole is an extra large Vagina.
She had such an Mponeng hole it was like throwing a hot dog down a hallway!
something that you don't have, you small dick
you just don't have a large dick
A person who is a big lad - someone who you don't cut in front of in the maccas line (Other variations include small unit, and medium unit).
Oi nah, Josh Hand aint no large unit.
Next to embarrassingly encasing his hairy, little hobbit feet in a variety of fabulously effeminate, insoles-containing stacked-heeled boots, platform shoes and high heels, all the while being a pint-sized petite pathological liar who constantly regurgitates a small man syndrome-induced stream of Todd Howard's tall tales, the terminally insecure and aggravatingly ant-like turbo-manlet Tiny Todd "Tiddly Termite" Howard girlishly enjoys dolling himself up by intermittently donning either a black or brown boys large leather jacket when out on the town and looking for a potential manmore sugar daddy. This is without a doubt just another one of Todd "Heckled Homunculus" Howard's manlet cope and manlet rage-induced, hilariously doomed attempts at emphasizing his obviously non-existent masculinity, which is immediately rendered futile when the inherently effeminate Little Napoleon is absolutely dwarfed by every single grown-up that Tiny Todd "High Five" Howard comes into contact with, like the subhumanly stunted, diminutively delicate, devastatingly dwarfed, petulantly puny and preposterously petite, scandalously stunted little runt of a sissy fairy manlet princess that the whole world most definitely knows him to be.
Melissa: Hey, why is there a brown dishrag lying in the street over there? Ellen: It's one of Todd Howard's boys large leather jackets. The utterly insignificant and microscopically minuscule midget monstrosity was crossing the road when a bee humming bird suddenly swooped down and just carried him away! Melissa: Manlets BTFO.
Le fait d'être vrai le plus M&A et le plus large du monde
Koosineau est vraiment capitalisation Large