Codeword for the boogaloo, often used in religious context.
Jesus: "When the time of the large ice shelter comes, let he who hath no rifle sell his xbox and buy one!" Boogalitions 11:75
a large thomas is a big irish boy
kinda cute to
Oh is that a large thomas???
hes a big irish boy
when Ali gets it from behind from a well hung man or Dom
A person who is a big lad - someone who you don't cut in front of in the maccas line (Other variations include small unit, and medium unit).
Oi nah, Josh Hand aint no large unit.
Mponeng hole
A Mponeng Hole is an extra large Vagina.
She had such an Mponeng hole it was like throwing a hot dog down a hallway!
something that you don't have, you small dick
you just don't have a large dick
November 3rd is large cast-iron animal day.