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Maple Syrup

The main currency of Canada

That will be 200ml of maple syrup, eh

by Hardware Official March 2, 2020

maple syrup

a hot non canadian powerhouse with a large dick opposite of gloryburner and or amborz

dude maple syrup is so hot and cool

by not maple syrup January 4, 2022

Poo poo maple

When you hate someone so you shit on their door

Him: Dude? What the fuck you suck at basketball man.
Me: I cant wait to see his face when I poo poo maple at his house.

by Darkquavis May 28, 2019

Maple Hill High School

Maple Hill High School is a school that's centered in the town, as residents call it, Castletucky (Aka Castleton). Students here flourish with the help of teachers and extra curricular activities. It'd be the best high school out there if only all the students in it didn't want to commit suicide. The amount of drug dealers keep everyone on their toes with the classic slutty middle schoolers and weird couples fucking behind the bleachers during pep rallys. There's plenty to do here as tea and drama erupts from all corners leaving no one safe. But hey, at least most of them are nice

Shane: "What are you doing later today?"

"I have to go to that shitty Maple Hill High School and get laid by a meth head senior"

by Teenage Dream 42069 April 1, 2022

maple syruping

Like sleigh riding, but add some maple syrup and licking!

We wanted to go for a sleigh ride but decided on maple syruping!

by tooHotInHere December 17, 2016

Maple Tea

An investment platform that teaches new investors how to properly use their money in the stock market. Unlike other platforms out there, Maple Tea approaches the problem in a pretty unique way.

Gen Z Investor (#1): You heard of that new game called Maple Tea?

Gen Z Investor (#2): Yeah, it’s that new game that everyone is talking about.

by Yung CEO May 31, 2022

Maple Leafs

The Maple Leaf's are an original 6 national hockey league teauhh help me uhchhhh I'm chocking uhchchchjchjchjc ˚¨ßczgnr ikfsykajcFNU

The Maple Leafs really blew a 3-1 series lead to the Montreal Canadians

by Leafsman1967 June 1, 2021