You know (as a matter of absolute certainty) that a man would NEVER get that ruling. EVER. He could get arrested to jay walking and, in court, the defense could USE THAT EXACT DEFENSE... And THE MAN (Taylor) would be punished... HARDER. They would sentence him to 15 years for jay walking. They'd laugh at him for suggesting that he had "Marijuana Pshycosis." But MAYBE I'm wrong. Maybe I'm wrong. So, just in case... Let's ask the expert on what would happen if women were men: TAYLOR SWIFT!
Hym "Hey, Taylor... So... What would happen to the Marijuana Psychosis girl if she was a man? Because she got ZERO prison time and some community service... So, if A MAN... Smoked some weed... And then stabbed he girlfriend 108 times... I mean, men have it easier and are rewarded for less, right? They probably would have given the guy a million dollars, right? A million dollars and a new girlfriend to stab! That's what would have happened if SHE was a man... And her dick would be bigger than mine... Am I close? Is that in the ballpark of what you think you happen? See, I always defer to the experts so I'll let Taylor Swift explain this one. What do you think, Taylor? Why aren't women culpable for their actions in the same way that men are? It's almost like their level of agency is considered to be diminished in such a way that when they commit horrific crimes they can't or shouldn't be held accountable in the same way that a man would... Weird... I wonder why that is... But whatever. I guess you can just get high and got rape a bunch of women and call it Marijuana Pshycosis now. I'll make sure I smoke wome weed before I murder any children and then it'll just be the 'Marijuana Psychosis' taking over."
Def 1: Snoop Dogg'd mansion.
Def 2: Being so high you think you're in heaven.
-Duuuuuuude... I think I'm in marijuana heaven.
-Stfu faggot, you're ruining my high!
Let's make a 1000000 story building this generation so we can say the new marijuana is growing well?