Dio negro is an Italian expression used when dealing with a difficult task or situation. It litteraly means "Nigger God".
Ma dove cazzo stiamo Dio Negro (Where the fuck did we end up Nigger God)
Che poppe Dio Negro (What a pair of tits Nigger God)
Entra nel bus Dio Negro! (Get on the bus Nigger God)
Sei proprio un coglione Dio Negro (You really are a moron Nigger God)
Negroe’s law, short for Negroe’s law (or rule) of the whiteman analogies, is an Internet adage asserting that as an online discussion grows longer (regardless of topic or scope), the probability of a niggas talking about the white man or white supremacy approaches 100%.
"Black men don’t look after their kids."
"It’s not our fault, the white man made black women replace us with the government”
“How did we end up talking about the white man again?”
“Negroe’s law…”