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Marble Nips

When the nipples not only become erect for no reason, but also red and painful. Usually occurs during puberty.

I woke up feeling like some one gave me a tittie twister, turns out I had marble nips.

by Iamonfirepleasehelp June 30, 2009

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The j-nip

(Noun) - a common sexual practice among east coast high school students, in which the female gently sucks on the male's nipples whilst pleasuring him with her hands. In the case of amputees, elbow nubs may be used to replace hands.

Damn son, those girls just gave Jamie the J-nip.

by Angelfox42069 May 12, 2006

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Turtle Nips

The genetic abnormality that gives its victims nipples that closely resemble a snapping turtles.

AS: Dude you got fuckin turtle nips!
MW: Your gay I was born with this.

by Antwan s February 16, 2008

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Nip Tip

When a male places the eye on the tip of his penis around a female's nipple. Thus, making the nipple disappear caused by the surrounding penis tip.

Yo dude I totally gave my bitch a Nip Tip last night. She moaned so loud.

by Gagina January 31, 2011

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thunder nips

A guy who has enormous nipples.

girl 2: YES! THERE HUGE!!

by GMAC188775 December 5, 2011

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Japanese hip-hop.

{Vulgar English NIP, from Japanese NIPPON, + English (HIP)-HOP}

Damn, ever since Holly came back from Japan, she's been listenin' to nothin' but that nip-hop shit.

by Mike December 2, 2003

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Niggy nips

A Person who has niggers nips that sag grossly and that nobody wants to touch.

Isaiah hasniggy nips in the locker room because he is black.

by Mr.Niggy nips April 28, 2011

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