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brokeback mountain

a place where gays gather to discuss their social and economic issues.

The hideout that is being used as a brokeback mountain has been busted by the police.

by uttam maharjan February 8, 2013

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Mountain Jew

A man of Jewish ancestry, now living in the mountains, and is a survivalist.

Not your typical, "Let me help you with your taxes" Jew either.
This is a bonified killing machine, armed with an Uzi, Gefiltafish, and an half drunk bottle of Mogan David wine. On the sauce they are unstoppable!!!!

"Have the boys round up a couple of those Mountain Jews to help us. We need some ass kickers in this group."

by FA-Q May 6, 2012

26๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž

fudge mountain

this is when a gimp is confined for so long he procedes to leave a "fudge mountain" of fecal matter in the very place he was being contained. prolonged exposure to this environment may lead the gimp to have a permanent fudge trail down his backside detering any further attempts to sodomize the victim. his presence might then become sickening to his captors leading to his ultimate release...

"That is the biggest god damn Fudge Mountain ive ever seen Maynard!!!"
"I'm not goin near that Fudge Mountain Zed!!!"

by KevinCA$H August 4, 2006

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Mountain Queers

West Virginia (WVU) fans/players/anyone who lives in west v that has anything to do with wvu.


by LETS GO PIT! September 4, 2011

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Blunt Mountain

A really long cock.

Greg has a Blunt Mountain.

by GregOSid December 6, 2010

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Mountain Freshing

The pre-teen act of trying to get high by cramming three large peppermint patties in your mouth, and then drinking a liter of Mountain Drew in one go to wash it down. Also used to describe desperate and often worthless "legal and hidden" ways to get high, like smoking banana peels, eating a lot of nutmeg, etc. Started at science fiction cons in the 1990s, now big among cosplayers and weeaboos.

Guy1: My 11 year old brother was throwing up all night after Mountain Freshing with his gamer pals.
Guy2: He believes that stuff? What ever happened to marker sniffing? Kids today...
Guy1: Best smelling vomit ever, though.

by Opee Sea Killer November 21, 2012

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Mountain Flower

Kurdish girl's sex organs. Kurds come from the mountains and a vulva and vagina look like a flower.

Kiss my juicy and hairy mountain flower

by Nice to meat you November 24, 2020

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