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putang pirate

A pimp who gets more action than jackson when it comes to ladies. A real playa with a predilection for putang - period.

I'm the PUTANG PIRATE, son. Ain't no pimp out there who be get'n more action than me, kid.

by Shiznik Chiizzvan March 9, 2005

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Pirate Punch

A punch aimed directly into someones eye with the aim of blinding them or knocking their eye out. Therefore leading them to wear an eyepatch or a glass eye - very piratey.

I gave a lethal Pirate Punch to Robbie, knocking him off the fort yesterday, he landed on a sharp stick which penetrated his entire body so i don't think his blindness of one eye mattered.

by Macdawg. January 15, 2010

18๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

pirate drunk

wasted beyond belief (preferably on rum). in the final stages one's vocabulary is reduced to arrrrrgggggg!

After her 10th keg stand Kelli was pirate drunk. then she tried to hook up with Ryan.

by the boot September 12, 2003

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Puddle Pirates

Any member of the US Coast Guard. Used because the Coast Guard doesn't operate in deep water; usually close to the shore and in lake and rivers.

Why must you be 6'6'' to join the puddle pirates? If your boat sinks, you can walk to shore.

by mighty mighty SEALtone July 22, 2013

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pirate ghost

One who starts a life of piracy after becoming a ghost.

That pirate ghost was once my youth minister stepson!

by duggie October 26, 2003

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Cum Pirate

A male or female member of an orgy who attempts, either by force or coercion, to acquire a disproportionately larger share of semen on their face than their counterparts during a cumshot style ejaculation.

"That little Cum Pirate took it all, and I was looking forward to this all weekend!"

by Icky Ike April 4, 2010

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Backdoor Pirate


1. A pirate whose preferred method of pillaging is though the backdoor.

2. Someone who engages in the giving of anal sex.

3. A common name for a hypothetical homosexual piece of pornography. However there is no evidence to suggest that there is either a movie or a magazine which has the words "Backdoor Pirate" anywhere in it.

Rodion: "I am a backdoor pirate."

Sarah: "Eeek!"

Joey: "HAahah I bet your dad stars in Backdoor Pirates 7!"

Rodion: "You fucktard...there's no such thing!"

by Argonak April 12, 2008

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