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Porch Monkey

A monkey whom enjoys residing on a humans porch or patio.

"Damn them porch monkeys are back on my porch, they better not eat my chair!"

by Gaulk and Bawls July 27, 2022

Porch Monkey

a nigger

Me: look at that lil porch monkey over there, what a blackie

by quandale dingles cumslut May 10, 2022

Porch Monkey

A black motherfucker that sits on the porch while the kkk stares at him in the woods.

On this episode, we see the black porch monkey in it’s natural habitat.

by Goatified March 10, 2021

1👍 6👎


A racial slur used against black people.

"Look at this Porch-Monkey"

by HarrietTubman'sduaghta May 18, 2022

Porch Dragon

A person who does their best work, and thinking on a porch.

“My homie Scorp, what a porch dragon! Finger banged the bartender from the mixer at sunset in front of her parents house”

“Lil’ sSnow and Brandini came up with the next years fundraiser for Irish people while huffing a bat together, absolute porch dragons”

by 5nakeCharmer March 11, 2024

porch pheasant

A porch pheasant is an individual of lower class who usually is associated with the trash panda. These two are both a species of trailer trash who fight over who has more children with the same baby daddy. because of their amazing ability to breed and collect from the government they are Usually the bread winner of the family. They are also known to put Mountain Dew in baby bottles and have the best drugs around.

Oh my god, I saw Jessica the other day and she has gone from trash panda to full on PORCH PHEASANT she is nasty

by Queen trashpanda June 4, 2020

Blinking porch light

Blinking house, blinking front door, blinking back door, blinking lights.

On, Off: 1 Flash.
This means hello 👋 a greeting or sign of acknowledgement.

On, Off. On, Off: 2 Flashs.
A sign of acknowledgement is implied, however, this usually as a signified "End". Examples like, meaning goodbye, goodnight, turning in for now. *Or the end of any posible perceived nuisance whether it be; light, sound (excessive noise), vibration, etc.
**Implied apology

3 Flashes: I'm Home, come over.

3 Fast Flashes: Come Quick!

3 Fast, 3 Slow, 3 Fast: S.O.S / HELP

4 Flashes: Stop any perceiveable nuisance, please.

4 Fast: F***ing Knock it off.

All can be repeated with a few, or multipul, brief pauses or intervals of pause.

Blinking porch light

Blinking light rules for back door or porch light communication

by Coconut363 September 30, 2023