An endangered species of newt only found, in the wonderful city we call Preston. Only a few of lucky people will come across these in their gardens.
Look mum! I just found a preston newt in the garden.
The best guy you will ever meet. He has dark brown hair and gorgeous eyes. You can barley stand a day without talking to him. Whenever your sad, he knows how to cheer you up. He gives you the best advice anyone could give you. He never lets you give up or break down. He also loves to help out anyway possible. The best man around preston bennington
Girl: wow that preston bennington guy is amazing
Preston’s friend: he helps me a lot when I’m down
Big girthy cocked fellow who wonders the halls looking for some poon to doon.
Did you see that weird kid jerking it in class? “Yeah he is a real Preston Pierce.”
Coolest person good drawer and best friend
Markus Preston is a cool man
Friend group leader when the tallest. Stronger than cade and would definitely beat him up
Preston Hunter would beat up cade smith
preston sidi is the most sexy, most coolest, nicest boy one could ever meet. whoever that’s with him is very lucky
preston sidi is just him..that guy