When people forget to write their alpha auto-biography *cough* *COUGH*
I'll write a sentence of this example later. "stop procrastinating" says the teacher I love to procrastinate though says the grade 7 student
Something you do when you have something important you have to do. Literally me - "Hey you need to finish this paper tomorrow." If you're a procrastinator like me, you'd literally do anything else but that paper.
Hey - don't you have something to do later on?
"I just wanna pro-pro-pro-procrastinate, everyday. Lets pro-pro-pro-procrastinate, dont wanna do this toda-a-y. Pro-pro-pro-procrastinate like a politician, pro-pro-pro-procrastinate and make this defenition."
procrastinate is when your delaying something and sulking
Sensible guy: Yo, u got to do this homework for tomorrow, ms. Berger is gonna make you do detention
Idiot: meh, i'll do it tomorrow morning
next day
Sensible guy: u haven't done it yet u moron.
Idiot: meh, i'll do it at lunch.
Idiot: meh, i'll do it in class before she takes in our homework, chill bruh.
Sensible guy: Here's my homework miss.
Idiot: Ehhhh....
Ms Berger: detention young procrastinator.
Sensible guy: I told u to not procrastinate.
Being lazy and just lying around not doing anything, just questioning life.
I'm procrastinating right now, crap.
Hmm, i should do my homework cause its due tomorrow. Nah, i'll procrastinate instead.
When you take chicken out of the freezer but you don’t know what to make, so it sits there for three days.
I took chicken out of the freezer for dinner but I’m having chicken procrastination so I think we’ll get pizza tonight
Something Dan Howell is.
Dan: My therapist said that I'm a procrastinating workaholic. Because once I start working on something, I work so hard that I injure myself by forgetting to breathe and do all this other stuff. I just have a problem getting started. For me, it's like a perfectionism thing. Like, I can't just do something and try my best. I'm like, "If I do this thing, it has to be amazing." It doesn't matter if it's an essay, a YouTube video or tidying my bedroom. I'll be like, "If I do this, I have to DO it, man!" And that's the thing, I put this fear in myself. If I were just someone who was like, "I can just do it." You know, roll with the punches. Go with the flow of life. But for me, it's like a perfectionism thing. It's that I know that when I start it, I am going to work so hard that I'm going to be bleeding. Because I care too much, because I'm a freak. I'm definitely someone that cares.