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An extreme version of a person showing all the characteristics of a prick.

"man your such a p-rick"

by D.May January 12, 2004

17👍 10👎


The act of checking out under aged males or females.

Where you Rick-Doggn' her?

You just Rick-Dogged her!

by Nancy Williams November 8, 2010


The form Wario takes in Super Smash Brothers Ultimate when played by Rickles. This form is likened to that of Ash-Greninja and increses the schmovement and power of Wario overall.

"Uh oh, it's Rick-Wario" - Alpharad, live and on stream

by Tserulean October 11, 2022

rick pic

typo created by chuck. Chuck actually meant, 'dick pic'. 'Rick pic' is now used among chati users as a way of meaning dictures/and or dick pics.

I can't believe he sent me a Rick pic!

by Cohn Flay. March 27, 2015

Rick Sanchez

A main character from the show Rick And Morty

(Refering to rick sanchez)
Person one:He turned himself into a pickle, funniest shit I've ever seen
Person two:sir this is a Wendy's

by Who was phone February 26, 2022

Rick Sanchez

Richard "Rick" Sanchez is referred to as what is known as an absolute fucking unit

dude did you see Rick Sanchez blow up an entire multiverse?

yeah dude! that was sick!

by but_cheeks_on_a_stick July 14, 2021

pickle rick

the funniest shit you've ever seen

he turns himself into a pickle, he calls himself pickle rick
funniest shit i've ever seen

by man who is crying April 20, 2020