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sand volleyball

a version of volleyball. played on the beach, or by another body of water, such as a pool. more difficult on the legs than regular volleyball. Usually played by teenage girls and people over 40.

I went to a pool party Saturday where they were playing sand volleyball...

by Wildone93 January 24, 2009

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sanding the bat

Its a term that means to 'jack off' or to masturbate.

"hey Joey" "hi" "last night Tina sanded my bat for me." "TINA'S MY GIRL FRIEND YOU BASTARD!"

by Person March 15, 2005

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Throwin sand

Throwin sand, is short for-Throwin sand in my eyes.

This term is used to describe people who tell others stories or gossip but leave out vital information in the process.
A person who has said something he/she/it shouldn't, but it is too late cover up the rest of the story

in other words...
A nigga who tries to hide info.

Man tell me what happened, quit throwin sand.

I always tell you everything, I don't never be throwin sand.

by T-Realla from Sacramento May 8, 2009

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Sand Nigger

An African American who rolls in wet sand like a pig rolling in mud

first person says this: Fuckin Sand Nigger

then the 2nd people do this: Umm first of all I'm not Kirubell I'm not retarded and second I'm not African American nor can I afford a sand nigger

by Gangster Disciples 102 January 13, 2022

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sand job

The result of a girl attempting to give a guy a hand job, but for reasons unknown, possibly because they're mentally retarded, makes it hurt more than almost anything known to the male race. the name is self explanatory in that it feels like sand paper is actually being rubbed along your junk. may result in bleeding.

If you feel as though you are headed towards a sand job, GET THE FUCK OUT.

by SlowXxXLearner November 28, 2009

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Sand nigger

It’s like nigger but for an Arabic or middle eastern person.

Bro 1: dude our troops are kicking the hell outta those sand niggers in Afghan.
Bro 2: yeah I hope all sand niggers die

by Alpha big boy September 24, 2018

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Butthole in the sand

It is an butthole in the sand.

1. Dude, have you heard of the butthole in the sand.
2. Nope

by DenBlekaKnarkHoran October 10, 2013

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