Source Code

arch duke singe

while performing fellatio, one holds a lighter to his/her partner's genitals

tom gave jill the arch duke singe and she dumped him

by vladimir February 24, 2004


derived from the word Cumjee "Singe" or "Singey" occurs when a female on her monthly cycle does not wash her pum it gives off a fishy smell and looks like a crust build up

"ewwww bruv she's bare singey!"
"Thats a SINGE!"

by hassjamm February 13, 2018


Where Jaden Ng originated from.

I love to sing to the poor people. That's why I'm from SING-A-POOR!

by Mr McDefinition March 16, 2021

singing chair

A chair that has a vibrator/dildo attached to it.

Jim put Molly in the singing chair and she was screaming like a banshee.

by May 5, 2021

now i know my abcs next time won't you sing with me zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba

When it's opposite day and you wanna sing the alphabet song.

Person- "Hey it's opposite day. Now sing the alphabet song."

Me- "now i know my abcs next time won't you sing with me zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba"

by xXyOuRmOmIsGaEXx January 24, 2022

1👍 2👎

mal singe

a prostitute with no or little business

Scary Sherri, you are a mal singe.

by mehjkvb ad,nb December 20, 2005

Singing Ape

When a Swedish woman tries to sing Bohemian Rhapsody in public and everyone stares at her

Person 1: Wow what a Singing Ape
Person 2: Yeah, you can tell that she is swedish!

by dominoguy11 September 2, 2019