Source Code

Emancipate the Slaves

Deuce it up, take a crap, go number two, poop, etc.

"Sorry I stunk up your bathrrom, but I had to emancipate the slaves. By the way, do you have a plunger?"

by Philly P October 25, 2007

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slave auctions

Were You Sell Freaking African American Slaves For $$$$

A European won a slave auction (slave auctions)

by DONTBELIKETRUMP February 11, 2016

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cuck slave

A cuck slave is a man who fucks another mans wife while being forced by the cuck.

You really made that other guy a cuck slave last night by making him fuck your wife.

by BeastlyElemental November 18, 2017

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Dick Slave

(n); A person who is a total douche bag or an assface.

"Chad calls people Dick Slaves!"

by MF Doom May 27, 2006

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Audio Slave

Driving recklessly, extremely fast and with no regards for any traffic laws what so ever. More points are awarded for more dangerous and technical maneuvers: passing on the shoulder, speed in excess of 120mph, and cutting across 3 or more lanes of traffic to make a gap.

Other forms: audio slavin, audio slaved, audio slavage
In reference to the Audio Slave music video "Show me how to live"

"Dude it only took me 15 minutes to get here."
"Weren't you like 30 minutes away?"
"Ya well I decided to Audio Slave it!"


"Dude I was audio slaving on my way here and passed like 4 cars on the shoulder doing 140mph!"

by Brian Wright January 14, 2008

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It is a "code" word for masterbaiting. Slave being the opposite of master and fishing being sort of the opposite of baiting

men like to go slave-fishing when they see an attractive girl

by rick dizz' fo shizz' May 17, 2006

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slave ship

A slave ship is a slang term for the dutch rudder adaptation of a circle jerk. Involving two partners, the dutch rudder is one individual moving the other partners arm to help masturbation. Like some of the other masturbation adaptations, the idea is that the experience is more enjoyable when another person is involved and assisting in some way. When you put several of these pairs of "Dutch Rudderers" together in one area, this is called a slave ship. The word "tugboat" can also be used and carries the same meaning. Tugboat is oftentimes preferred over slave ship in case your friend "circle" is interracial.

"Lets go in the woods, snort some crystal, and have a slave ship around the campfire."

"Those guys bought a giant leather corner couch so they could sit around and have a slave ship party."

"I'm tired of doing the dutch rudder with just you Tom, and I'd like to have someone helping me at the same time, so let's invite over a few guys and do a slave ship in the basement."

"Make sure to send the slave ship Facebook invite as 'a tugboat' because I want Jamal to come. He's so strong looking."

by JoelPerv August 24, 2011

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