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Crazy eye

a certain crazy ugly look in a man’s or woman’s eye that tell you they’re psycho even when they’re pretending to be kind.

That chick got crazy eye! She’s a total psycho.

by Urban expert November 18, 2018

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Crazy Donkey

A place where people go to macc biddddies or guys. its stupid because there will be no relationship outcome out of it. girls go there dressed to get raped and the guys go there to look like douchebags

I'm gunna go mack some shit at the Crazy Donkey

by KT:) August 30, 2010

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like crazy

A two word replacement for the adjective "crazily." It is typically used by younger individuals that do not yet know or care that it is improper grammar.

Dude, he is FAST! He ate that hamburger like crazy!

by Ben L. September 10, 2005

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Crazy Craig

Individual who choses to repeat the same comments over and over again to instigate a fight, usually in an online pimp emulator. Such individuals are usually unable to produce anything new, and will resort to common name calling such as 'maggot' or 'whore'.

That newb tried to pull a Crazy Craig on me, but I knew better.

by ThreeDMK May 24, 2006

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Banana Crazy

1)The act of "going crazy", similar to the behavior a monkey may exhibit when trying to get a banana. The monkey may do whatever necessary to get the banana (scream, jump, kill other monkeys, etc.), and said actions may be justified because the monkey is simply "going banana crazy."

This term is frequently use in online video games, in the context that certain, noob pwning guns are "banana crazy."

Bob:Why is that kid throwing a tantrum at his own birthday party?
Fred:Oh, he wanted to lick the frosting off of the candles, but his mom said he would just eat 'em again. Now he's just going banana crazy...

Mitch: You're getting so many kills with that RPG!
Joe: I know, the RPG is totally banana crazy! It pwns noobs like they're going out of style!

by Ean Longjohn September 9, 2010

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crazy flakes

When one puts chocolate milk on Frosted Flakes for consumption. Although not very "crazy" now, there was quite an uproar in the early 1800's when the practice originated

"I had a big ol' bowl of crazy flakes for breakfast this morning. The stuff is great."

by PaleRider February 28, 2008

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ty crazy

Adjective. To be extremely excessive in partying, alcohol, sex, spending money, or texting/blackberrying, especially in combination or all at once. Can be used anywhere you'd normally say "crazy" but with extra emphasis.

Alice: Dude, you look like you haven't slept in days. What happened?

Bob: Oh man... I went ty crazy last night. I was at this bar, and there were strippers and body shots and my ex was sexting me to come over and then it all gets fuzzy. I think I blew $400 on drinks and lap dances. Ugggggh.

by BigBeefBob March 19, 2010

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