the british chainsaw is where you eat a girl out so good she squirts blood becuase your teeth are fucked up. becuase your british.
girl, im gonna british chainsaw you.
Sad and depressing rain that happens ever day in Britain (London)
This rain happens every day cant get any tea work done British rain
Bare assed fart in mouth that results in tainting the teeth from an unexpected squirt.
Dude...I really liked this girl but can't be around her anymore now that I gave her a British Open. Why would she risk asking me to buck in her mouth??
The westernmost province in Canada. Home to the beautiful Vancouver, where you can live if you are a multi-millionaire or in the marijuana business. Not the capital, however, that's Victoria. Where you can live if you watch congress sessions for fun.
My dealer lives in British Columbia.
The act of someone with long nose rubbing your butthole while sucking on your bits.
You see that girl at the bar with that huge nose? I bet she gives a killer British Tickler.