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Metal Horns

Also called Devil's horns, it is characterized by the \m/ symbol. It means that something is so amazing that the devil is saluting it and is particularly used by metal heads.

The movie was great \m/(Metal Horns!)

by MeowBowwow February 18, 2012

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stink horn

A malodourous or putrescent penis.

"I'm not putting that filthy stink horn in my mouth, go and wash it you dirty bastard!"

by Grot weasel the 2nd February 2, 2008

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Blue Horn

Term used when screaming that something tight has been caught around an erect penis

Jesus Christ Jonny this goat is giving me a total Blue Horn. Get it off!!!

by Dazza April 8, 2003

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judge horn

Describes a person who often makes false assumptions. false assumption

"Chris youre such a fucking judge horn when you drink milk!"

by Black demon with T. January 1, 2009

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Unicorn horn

The final result of using a lotion, lube, or other product that contains shimmer or glimmer on your penis. Usually for maturation.

Jeremy wanted to wack it, but could only find his fiances lotion. He didn't care but afterwards he had a fabulous unicorn horn.

by Cut glitter December 5, 2016

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The act of having rubbed your erect penis against your partner's arse-hole as a prelude to anal sex, or as a means of stimulation in it's own right

"So did that Jess chick let you put it anywhere?!"
"No. She reckons anal on a first date is slutty, so I just horn-rimmed her instead."

by Dirty Animals January 24, 2009

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Horn Puppy

One who is so randy they go around humping everything in sight like a little lost puppy. They also like making wimping/moaning noises at random points in conversations.

"My friend David is such a Horn Puppy that he going around humping everythang!!"

by I'm beautiful dammit xxx November 23, 2011

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