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part time job

n. pÀrt tīm jŏb

Another way of saying, "I live with my mom".

Latin : partus, and + timeus + jobus, pl. underemployment.

Bill doesn't like the idea of vacation time so he works 3 part time jobs all year.

by Diemetrius September 24, 2009

12πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž

just part of life

a term used to imply that one has accepted what has just happened.

a way of saying "fuck it, it happened, it's over with, and i can't do anything about it now."

stating the realization that something has happened because it is part of living life whether that something be good or bad.

can be said in a southern accent: "juspartaliife"

Person 1: damn, i just got skunked in a game of beer pong and now i have to do a naked lap.
Person 2: that sucks, but it's just part of life.

Bubba: is it wrong tuh have a one night stand witta girl you juss met?
Cleatus: wut are yewa queer? fuck no, its juspartaliife.

by tift April 2, 2009

5πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

two part series

A two part series is when extenuating circumstances do not allow you to finish a bowel movement all the way.

I need to finish up this two part series because I had to answer the door while I was on the pot!

I can see that this needs to be a two part series, because i need to get back to work in 10 minutes.

by TTM May 10, 2005

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Parting the Red Sea

When a guy has sex with a girl who is on her period in the missionary position.

Did you hear about Johnny and Abby last night? It was her time of the month but he took on Parting the Red Sea anyways!

by Red Professor Hulk October 17, 2018

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Parting the Red Sea

(Also see The Moses Effect) The act of creating space as a form of rejection by every woman on the dance floor. Being in a club and going into the dance floor to dance and you find yourself in a gaping hole of space between you and everyone else and they are not paying attention to you. A further way girls part is by switching positions with their guy dance partners as to be as far away from the Moses. This is the harshest form of rejection by women on the dance floor that is known at this time.

Man 1 - HAHA He's Parting The Red Sea!
Man 2 - What?
Man 1 - Look at the space between him and everyone else on the dance floor.
Man 2 - Oh yeah, there's a lot of space there.

by aleams March 17, 2009

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part time beaner

Someone who claims to be mexican when it’s convenient for them.

That bitch Tina claims to be mexican but she doesn’t even speak spanish. She’s a part time beaner.

by ZMedical October 28, 2018

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Two-part Turkey

A weird sex thing, invented by Kim.

"Kim, stop giving Eric a two-part turkey. Your parents are still downstairs."

by CallmeWrex October 18, 2020

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