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uncultured swine

someone who here’s hotel california by eagles and thinks it’s an american wedding by frank ocean

“Oh I love this Frank Ocean song.”
“It’s by Eagles you uncultured swine.”

by ladypomegranate August 19, 2024

Uncultured Swine

A member of society which is seen as an outcast, knows nothing, and lives under a rock. Often this person is seen as stupid and is almost always ignorant as to what goes on in the world. They have little to no knowledge of how to interact with others. They are also known as, and I quote, “The Village Idiot

Look at Jerry over there.

What an uncultured swine

by numberfive. June 3, 2021

Uncultured Swine

Someone that didn't go to school. Also me

W2S is an uncultured swine

by Kidd from japan December 17, 2018

uncultured swine

the epitome of georgina webber.


by timtamtomtanna March 2, 2019

swine faker

A person who when in public hacks,coughs,sniffles and or sneezes in hopes to act swine flu infected and thus keep everyone who really does have the flu away.

1.) I went to the market today and in order to keep people with the swine flu away I was a swine faker. I was fake sneezing and coughing left and right. You know they're most contagious before they even show symptoms!!

2.)I've remained healthy all year! Thank god I'm a good swine faker!

by KTWIZZLE November 9, 2009

Swine Sabre

A sexual activity whereas the Male is having some form of intercourse with a partner(mainly oral sex) and the male takes his penis, shoves it deep in the partners mouth till they gags and coughs then proceeds to ejaculate on their face....

Dude, that chick just got Swine Sabre'd, shes still coughing and gagging.

by VancityViet October 23, 2009

Swine Flu Monitor

The office bitch who practically forces co-workers to go home if they show the slightest bit of "illness".

Jimmy Joe finally went home after the Swine Flu Monitor harrassed him for an hour after he sneezed.

by idolatro15 September 28, 2009