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Jencentric Theory

The theory that everything revolves around someone named Jennifer.

According to Jencentric Theory, I am required to immediately notice the most minute changes in my wife Jennifer's hairstyle.

by hamsamwich1 October 18, 2012

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gn theory

When someone says โ€œGnโ€ as a way to escape a boring conversation. Or when someone uses Gn to end a conversation.

Guy: I was texting Sarah last night and she said Gn but it was only 1pm

Guy two: sounds like the Gn theory

by Anonymous.429.69. December 1, 2019

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J.V. Theory

A theory where a man drinks alcohol until he becomes confident to the point where he can get as much sex as he wants with the prettiest women.

Hey Chris! I heard you used the J.V. Theory last night at that party.

by hensx September 10, 2019

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theory of a deadman

a shitty band that is a carbon copy of Nickelback, which isnt a good thing they all suck at their insturments.

Pearl Jam is awsome why does like every new band copy them and sound super shitty doing it? like theory of a deadman and NIckelback and all those other band thats sound like if pearl jam sucked.

by Caflisch22 August 1, 2006

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Chaos Theory

A cool way to call bullshit.

"Did you see that!? I was just mashing buttons and killed your whole team! Chaos Theory, trick!"

by TomKVideo February 17, 2009

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Pinocchio Theory

According to Bootsy's Rubber Band, the Pinocchio Theory states that if you fake the funk, your nose will grow. This is later seen in Sir Nose D'Voidoffunk.

โ€œIf you fake the funk, your nose will grow.โ€ -Bootsy Collins, in "the Pinocchio Theory."

by DepecheMoses November 1, 2006

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Potato Theory

The first theory of male-female relations that stipulates the following:

You would not try and reason or logically argue with a potato, so do not waste your time doing this with women.

Your mom is yelling because you slept in on your day off?

Forget it bro, Potato Theory.

by TheDamnBatman July 26, 2011

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