Source Code

Boo Thing

Someone who is a close friend but you find them attractive enough to hangout, grab a bite to eat, grab a drink.

Hey boo thing, you tryna grab some lunch today and maybe a drink later on?

by UrbanIsTheBest July 14, 2018

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25 Things

A recently popular Facebook Note created by users. They will create a list of 25 random things about themselves and friends. Then they will tag their friends on the list and then they must create a list.

25 things

RULES: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.

(To do this, go to β€œnotes” under tabs (+) on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click publish.)

1.I'm obsessed with World of Warcraft :P
2. I use to be a wrestler, i quit this year.
3. I have 2 other brothers and a sister.
4. My family is awesome.
5. I have a "crush" on two people :O
6. My family is awesome
7. I work at Applebee's at Union Center visit me!
8. I like Rock, Punk Rock, Alternative, and Indie Music
9. Death Cab for Cutie, MGMT, the Decemberists, Jack Johnson are a few of my favorite bands
10. I love to do Math
11. I have a yorki, and Two standard poodles.
12. My Mom and Sister have a horse
13. I want to be a Officer in the United States Airforce
14. I Love South Park, Scrubs, The Office, 24, Lost, and Prison Break!
15. Haha now and then i listen to Taylor Swift ... No homo :P
16. My favorite Movies are Harry Potter Series, Transformers, Across the Universe, Pearl Harbor, PineApple Express, Superbad, and 21
17. I want an IiPhone.
18 I have my license and i drive a Black 2003 Civic
19. lol i like to conduct scientific experiements in my room :)
20. Sometimes i like to play with fire :O
21. I Draw and write poems wehenever im bored unl;ess im play WoW
22. I hate Belgians :P :P jk Greg R.!
23. I absolutely Hate SPANISH :x
24. I love Pepsi.
25. My favorite books are the Harry Potter Series

by Megafast13 February 11, 2009

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little things

They always hang around and they always keep me down.

Before good charlotte became the object of preppies and werent sellouts...

by Ka August 14, 2004

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A person’s own habit that they tend to do apart from all or most of the other people around them.

Do other people cough into their shirts when they’re nervous, or is it more of a me-thing?

by Smith dux Wurd February 1, 2018

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Swamp Thing

A girl who looks are so frightening it looks as if she has emerged from a swamp to prey sexually on innocent drunken males. Often found in clubs and bars with tits hanging out, smeared make up and multiple drinks in hand.

Did you see Lauren last night. God swamp thing is hideous

by Nick The Chode Lipari January 28, 2011

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Shiny thing

1) Any fascinating distraction. 2) Something valuable.

Oh look, a shiny thing!

by Glitterby July 18, 2010

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the baller things

a list comprised of all the baller things in the world, like knives, insane people, savages, having cars on campus, deer heads, beer, and slapping old people.

he used a needle to kill him? add it to the baller things.

by Mikey Pots n' Pans September 24, 2007

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