It’s basically saying the phrase “trust me” but in a cooler way, the Kassidy way.
“I need to stay awake Kassidy.”
“Dawg just stock up on b12 shots and you’ll be fine, trust✰ .”
In 2024, Joseph Forsyth, Programmatic Manager at dentsu, famously pioneered the term Trust the funnel! To describe how the stages of a programmatic campaign are interlinked in order to drive performance.
The phrase underscores that each stage relies on the preceding one for success.
Marketers should be cognisant that no stage can stand alone without the foundation built by the previous stages.
“I can’t believe they briefed me on a reach campaign and then paused it for lack of sales! Why didn’t they trust the funnel”
“I can’t believe they’re running a CTV campaign to drive conversions. That’s not how trust the funnel”
When the world ends and it's just you and your bro left in planet Earth you agree to have butt sex as long as one bro doesn't cum in the other bro's butt. Once there is insemination trust butt is over.
Sean broke the sacred code of trust butt by cumming in Brandon's ass.
A trust whore is someone who gives out their trust and kindness for free. it's kind of like a regular whore but you don't see it as an easy first time, you see it as a person you can easily manipulate. so, be careful with who you befriend. you could end up a trust whore.
shortened version is "trore".
Person 1: I can't believe you're dating Person 3 for the fifth time, you know they manipulated you and stabbed you in the back for Person 4!
Person 2: I know they did, but I know what I'm doing. so back off. I don't care if they manipulate me for person 4, I trust them!
person 2 is a trust whore. I know who you are. but I'm not letting you know.
Holy shit, it's like watching Jesus get flogged! That was brutal! That whole debate was just brutal!
Hym "Except I don't think I'd actually laugh at the sight of Jesus getting flogged. I might masterbate though, bah dum ts! Sad wank for Jesus! Why I don't trust the bible? More like 'why you don't want the sauce!' Got this nigga lookin like he never even SEEN a book!"
The man, the myth, the legend, this person known as "in God we trust" or shorter."God" is truly the greatest as he is a true genius he is able to do anything he wishes he is someone everyone loves so to be called "In God we trust" is a way to call someone the greatest at everything
Hey bro you're just like in God we trust.