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Tumblr GF

A Tumblr GF is a girlfriend that you have relations with on the popular blogging website tumblr.com . They are generally very needy and need you to be on 24/7 because they have no life and only care about you. When you get a Tumblr GF, you know you're going to die alone. If you have had a Tumblr GF, please refrain from telling anyone about this horrible part of your past.

Person A: Do you have a Tumblr GF?
Person B: Yes, I do.
Person A: ..yeah, I'm gunna have to go... see you never.

by dragonsareganstaaf June 15, 2014

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tumblr emo

Emos that are on Tumblr as if it is their religion. They probably like Twenty One Pilots, Dan And Phil, Halsey, Panic! At The Disco, and Melanie Martinez. Or maybe they like Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance, and CrankThatFrank. Or, like me, all of that. Probably in the LGBTQ+ community, although some are straight. Some of them identify as emo, and others they don't but we all know they're emo fucks.

John: Oh, you see that girl with the blue hair and Panic! At The Disco shirt?
Molly: That's my best friend Jamie. God, she's such a tumblr emo.
John: She's cute, ngl.
Molly: Nice try with her. She's gay.

(i'm not good at coming up with names)

by TheInterwebIsHere June 23, 2018

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When you're on Facebook and a friend posts something you like a lot and you want to like it multiple times to give them multiple notifications but Facebook is stupid and isn't like Tumblr.

Taylor: Shit I just tried to tumblr-like your picture...
Kristen: lol loser Facebook isn't Tumblr.

by oppaaa April 11, 2011

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tumblr prom

An event on tumblr where nerds pretend to have lives. And love it.

Other people: Oh, are you going to prom?
Me: I'm going to tumblr prom
Other people: *uproarious laughter*
Me: *thinks* I'm so awesome XD

by 15Acesplz April 11, 2014

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Urban tumblr

When you let someone from tumblr on urban dictionary

Peron 1: what happens if a tumblr person is on Urban Dictionary
Person 2: urban tumblr I guess?

by Scene_queen June 6, 2016

Tumblr hooker

A lame poser who tries extremely hard to be tumblr, yet hates on others whom are tumblr because they so desperately wish to be them.

Omg Hunter is such a fucking tumblr hooker smh.

by ThetruthHolder6969 July 6, 2016

tumblr author

A person who writes a lot of fanfiction and thinks that they are a professional, published author

Kathy: Yeah, my book came out last week.

Emily: Oh, really? Where can I buy it?
Jared: Nah Emily, she's a tumblr author, you can find it on fanfiction.net

by omglikeidktbh November 24, 2017