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Windows 98.2

Another name for Windows 98 Second Edition (abbreviated Windows 98 SE). Windows 98 Second Edition was a major improvement to the original Windows 98 and included a number of bug fixes and new features. Unlike Service Packs which are free and can be downloaded directly from the Microsoft website, this was a completely different operating system than Windows 98 and had to be purchased separately.

Windows 98 Second Edition (aka Windows 98.2) was critically acclaimed at its launch. It is a worthwhile upgrade if you are running Windows 3.1, Windows 95, and Windows 98.

by rfrsiopgjdog February 9, 2015

Windows 8

The only Windows operating system that is both less capable than Vista and Mac OS X. It "runs" better than many other versions of Windows, which was achieved by removing the capability of using applications.

After a fan threatened to say the name "Steve Jobs", Bill Gates released Windows 8.1, which restored the ability to download apps and the Desktop, although apps still did not actually do anything)

There is a legend that more information about this operating system may be located under Bill Gates' solid gold toilet in Redmond, but no one remembers any of this information.

Person 1: My Windows 2-in-1 runs Windows 8!
Person 2: What does it do?
Person 1: It shows pretty icons!
Person 2: YOU ************* ******** ******* ******* REPUBLICAN ******** *** ******** ************** IDIOT ********* **** ************** HIPPO-******** ***** *********** MINION! WHY ARE YOU SO GULLIBLE!!!!!
Linux User: Both of you are idiots. And by the way, I just stole your SSID, credit card, driver's license, and passport.

by DrumpfForPOTUS March 12, 2016

Window Cancer

sad affliction befalling Russian operatives who cross Putin, for which there is no cure

Sergei Lukmanov, Russian billionaire with 9 yachts and 16 vacation homes, "earned" his billions via oil & gas in Russian region of Siberia. After Putin invaded Ukraine and committed countless atrocities Vlad needed scapegoats so Sergei accidentally tripped and fell out a 20-story building in the latest occurrence of stage 4 Window Cancer. sad.

by Uncle Joosie April 25, 2022

Window hop

To sneak out of your house at night by hopping out of your window behind your parents back

Let’s go on a window hop tonight

by Skippy the snake November 20, 2017

Windows 7

The next operating system currently in development (but can publicly be tested until June 1 2010) by Microsoft. It features a brand new task bar that often is said to be a rip of KDE. It features better driver compatibility, and pretty much is Vista all fixed up with an enhanced GUI. Many already respect that this is a great operating system, actually running on less system requirements than Vista.

Windows 7 is pretty much a great version of Vista.

by Da Milkman June 2, 2009

203πŸ‘ 69πŸ‘Ž

Windows 2000

Way better than Windows ME, and MAC OS FUCKING NINE.

"Dumbass, you need Windows 2000. Welcome to 1 1/4 decades ago!

by dj gs68 July 8, 2003

106πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž

Window Dressing

The act of filling in your Outlook with many important people's names just to look busy. Pretending you are busy by adding a lot of meetings to your calendar so that people know you are the smartest, coolest, and most productive man on the team.

Are you really busy or is that just Window Dressing?

Dude, the last two days I've been JDTBM but look at my Outlook man...serious Window Dressing.

by Ms.Bg July 11, 2008

31πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž