A member apart of the community known as 5$TAR that is a bot.
These guys Dabo and Twizz are certified 5$T⭐️R characters.
A member apart of the community known as 5$TAR that is a bot.
These niggas Dabo and Twizz are certified 5$T⭐️R characters.
A cringe and unoriginal girl who doesn't have any friends, because she's a tryhard.
Lorte s t e l l a stop copying...
A supersexy guy who's too cool to be called Tyler. He has a rockin' body and knows how to work it. ;) He's not afraid to show his affection, but always stays manly. He makes every girl's heart skip a beat. And his blue eyes could melt any girl's heart. I get lost in them everytime.
Justine: I want T-Judd to be by boyfriend!
Kristina: T-Judd's a studmuffin!
Addy: I want T-Judd to marry me.
A Daniel T-J is someone who u have to add on Snapchat otherwise your weird
‘Bro do you have Daniel T-J added’ ‘no’ ‘oh ur fucking weird’
Awesome. Epic. Once in a lifetime. Life changing. Better than ketchup.
OMG that Kesha concert was T-Çhãng