A farm with cannabis, THC Vapes, hashish, edibles, tobacco, Nicotine Vapes, MDMA, and more.
Wanna go down to John B’s Cannabis Farm (John B’s) to go hit some bud?
Shae is a funny ass hoe who gets angry very easily. She has gorgeous brunette curly hair. She has a nice ass and no boobs. She’s an amazing person to call and play roblox with but she is always jerking off when you call her phone. She’s such a slut but you love her and she’s an addictive person to be around. I love you shaeee.
Hey did you see Shae B recently? She’s always hanging around that dumb bitch Gia.
Yeah they’re such sluts but i wanna be them lowkey.
Leo B a 13 year old youtuber who has a channel for fun and is like ceeday. (never posts)
'Leo B uploaded a new video yesterday!'
he loves to rock the mic when he is having a can of stella and running the NE16 he is always smoking spliffs and sucking buckets if hes not hes licking up his birds arse
lad 1: here bro u seen matty b
lad 2: aye bro he was sucking a bucket with a can of stella when i last seen him
lad 3:bro hes not doing any of that he is rocking the MIC look over there and you will see him
immature preteens or newfags thinking they're cool by saying old /b/ memes
water.mellow: So one day..
gnomearc: COOL STORY BRO
water.mellow: you're such a moron
gnomearc: no u
water.mellow: ugh, what a wana/b/e!