This is where someone has all the gear and absolutely no idea. Jeff Lightfoot has absolutely all the fishing gear, however he hasn’t a clue, his wife is also whore
Being defined as “ Jeff Lightfoot has all the gear, no idea for fishing, however no idea as he never catches, his wife is hot
Nickelodeon all star Brawl is a Nickelodeon platform fighter
When everything is just off.
I had coffee today, forgetting that I have a low caffeine tolerance and now everything is all fuckodd. I can't think right and I can feel my bones. Can anyone else hear the lights buzzing?
Doing the most and being extra! Mr. X came up with the word "Tapping it All, I Feel the pressure" he sings on his song Scandal.
Ex: This person is so extra they're tapping it all!
A phrase that ought to be on this site so as to preserve it in perpetuity as a culturally and aesthetically significant remark.
As expected, the phrase announces that the speaker intends to both kick bubblegum and chew ass, only to express regret that he is all out of ass to chew. Cue furious bubblegum kicking.
You think you’re the shit, huh, pal? You think you got what it takes? Well let me tell you this: I’m here to kick bubblegum and chew ass…and I’m all outta ass.
all them years dutch for this snake dutch helped snake
all them years dutch for this snake -Arthur Morgan red dead 2
Doing a deed routinely with perfection daily.
Sun up till sun down, my nigga, Imma be getting that paper, and I do it like an ALL DAMN DAYER.