Sip sip is a drinking game that requires coordination, precision and high levels of skill. The game statrts when one of the participants starts the sipping process and declared 'Sip sip' by making eye contact in a weird way. The challenger also takes that first delicious sip that resembles the nectar of life. The opponent will have to instantly match the challengers move otherwise the game is automatically forfeited. The game continues until the drinks are finished. The game can be won in the ways
1. Last man standing - last person to still be sipping
2. whoever finishes their drink first - the first to finish sipping.
It is highly recommended to have at least two participants.
A persons who’s pull out game is historically and categorically, weak
Have you heard of Josh’s pullout game?
Yeah man, It’s wack as fuck
Dude! Fuck The Epic Games launcher!
"I agree!"
A university course that has a competitive grading, so only a few select number of students can get A's despite their actual performance in the class. For example, a student could have worked to get a 93%, but because of an arbitrary decision the university has made they could get a B. These classes are not about learning or maximizing the potential of each student, they are about surviving and making sure your classmates fail.
Student #1: My friend Greg in your finance class was sick, can you send him a copy of your notes?
Student #2: Sorry man it's a hunger games course, I got to look out for myself.
"Me and my friends are going to check out every book in the library for this class, so no one else can study. It eat or be eaten in these hunger games classes bro."
Happens every year on February 10, where everyone will spam/flood every chat with "engineer gaming" with out the mods/admins giving any shit at discord while livestreaming yourself playing tf2 as Engineer or use any music bot to play Robot Rock on loop for the rest of the day.
Discord user: "engineer gaming"
Discord mod: "STOP SPAMMING!"
Discord user: "No u, it's Engineer Gaming Day"
Discor mod: "What?"
Discord user: "engineer gaming"
A dead channel that likes to admin abuse and is absolutely hated by everyone in the DavonDoesStuff Discord server.
Wild Torterra Gaming who?
A legendary game about the original Bee Movie. Nothing is better than this game.
Dudeeee, have you played the Bee Movie Game yet? It's epic my dude! This thing is amazing on the wii. Don't even think about getting the Nintendo switch!