a brother a friend and a fellow 9 yr old
100 percent gender netrurel term OK
Yo bro wanna smash
:she brings her own controler
if she doesnt bring a controller give her one of yours
what you call someone bro it can mean;friend,brother,friend zoning or even bro zoning
jayden:christina i’m in love with you
christina:ew BRO why?
a person your close to but act like your not so they become one of the bros.
brad:sup bro
drake:i thought Jeremy was your bro?
brad: you all my bros brah.
This is what you say when a ni**a do sum fa no reason at all, often used with a
😐or a🤨.
A term most commonly used in New Jersey which refers to one's friend, penis, or friend's penis.
-You have a nice house!
-Thanks, come inside so you can meet my bro.
-Bro, dude, Stop. Bro...stop! Bro! BRO! Awwwwww...dammit bro!
"Bro" is commonly used in a pronoun-esque way. It is replaced by "he" or "they (singular), but is also used for the ladies (she, they) too, because "bro" in it's original context is used gender neutrally.
Over text, use a skull to add comedic effect.
Guy: Man this math homework is hard!
Smarter Guy: Bro has to have down syndrome💀
a guy who is a little sensitive over the word bro but doesn’t understand you just have a habit, but your not friendzoning them bc u might actually maybe like them maybe :)
hey joshua you’re my bro.