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Super Juicy

When you are riding the waves of vodka, tequila, and probably a little bit of rum. At the point of being, "Super Juicy," you are at a good in-between of beyond tipsy but before black-out.

"Damn, I'm feeling super juicy."

by MistaDillPickle January 16, 2018

Super Bread

To make bread you have to roast the bread once and you get bread, but to make toast you have to roast the bread AGAIN to get toast, so from now on we call toast Super Bread, because mathmatically Bread2 doesn’t work, think about it

Yo can you make me some Super Bread?

The hell is super bread

Dude look it up

by MetaPhysicalMemes February 23, 2018

Super fuckwit

Does something completely obviously , to a person , then uses voodoo to punish them for doing it to them usually because it’s not really supposed to have been able to happen to them but it did because they used the voodoo to make it happen haha

Hey super fuckwit acting like a dude version of bindy Irwin , fanx for the diarrea , I nearly got to fuck your mrs and take your seat but I shitted so hard it didn’t work

by Hectic Mooslie October 8, 2023

The Weston super

Is when a man puts his hand up a girls arse and the girl/man does the same thing to him.

Him:wanna come over
Her:only if we can do the Weston super
Him I think we should break up

by Gone on jay January 6, 2019


Sherri is the one and only SUPER DON😎AND THE BIGGEST DON THERE IS.

I am super don.

by The Don herself January 23, 2020

super depreciating

The fastest of rates and item can depreciate

Sandler Mercedes is super depreciating, the things dropping a grand a week

by queenslanders r always right March 25, 2018

The Super Stranger

When you sit on you non-dominate hand for 30 minutes and then jerk off.

My left hand needs a work out so I think I will try out The Super Stranger.

by PeachesCaden February 8, 2015