Rumors or gossip that are evidently false or fake
Man, that's straight up bum Juice, dawg.
The last ounce or 1/2 ounce of an alcoholic beverage left in a drink. Bottom of the drink or backwash of a beverage. Scuzz.
"are you going to drink that? Nah that shits bum juice.
bum juice
Bum juice is a term used when being scarred or freaked out.
Bum juice can also be used as a term to describe something in a derogatory since.
Jim:”Bum Juice!”
Bob:”What happened?”
Jim:”I got jump scared in amnesia!”
Billy: “This wooden sword is bum juice!”
exchange any type of juice for sex
person1: wanna exchange your virginity for orange juice?
person2: hell yeah i love oj
that is called juice-4-sex
exchange any type of juice for sex
person1: wanna exchange your virginity for orange juice?
person2: hell yeah i love oj
that is called juice-4-sex
Usually consists of a shot of Thorazine also causing a Thorazine Shuffle. Psychiatric Doctors given to patients in psychiatric hospitals.
Booty-juice: Ardella hit me in the head. So the doctors gave her a shot of booty juice and made her do the Thorazine Shuffle right back to the padded room.
Slang for "Haldol". A medication used on children in mental health facilities. Also used extensively in the Utah "Troubled Teen" industry, where the teen will be pinned down while a vindictive, near sociopathic nurse takes down his pants in front of the others, and jams the needle into his backside.
See: "Child Abuse"
Jason called the nurse a cunt, so she called the RA's to pin him down, and gave him the booty juice right there in the recreation room.