Drank you drink to exhibit the confidence of a stallion. Users of Reckless Juice or "RJ" as it's known on the streets are known to exhibit bravado and a healthy sense of give-no-fuc*s.
Traditional ingredients for Reckless Juice include Kale, Carrots, Strawberries, Bannanas, and a pinch of childhood trauma.
When some you know says whatever is on their mind, you can reply, "Dang, you must've drank your Reckless Juice today, huh?"
The act of waterfalling an alcoholic beverage down a woman’s torso and slurping it out of her vagina.
“What sort of drinking games should we play, guys?”
when you leave a beer out for the whole day and take a big swig the next night.
“Damn who left this stale juice just laying around”
Hear juice wrld Music and cry to it
Hey its the 8. December
Wait is that national cry to juice wrld day
Yes it is
Semen that is left in a bathtub that sticks to you.
Ugh, I got bath juice on my arm and it keeps pulling on my hairs when I try to get it out.
Floating semen left in a body of water, especially a bathtub.
I got bath juice on my arm and it keeps pulling on my hairs when I try to get it off
Mixture of alcohol, juice, fruit, and pre workout.
Aye get me a cup of that woe juice.
That woe juice buss.