Fuck Urban Dictionary because the mods here are all asshatted retards
this is when you have to go to the urban dictionary to look up either a sexual term or a popular word/phrase that you don't know and are too embarrassed to ask someone else what it means. don't lie, you've done this too ;)
"man, I gotta be urban dictionary discreet with this one lol"
A place where people, specifically residing in urban areas, can give things weird, inaccurate meanings.
The Dictionary of Urban People has the best definitions on the Internet as only people who pretend to be urban use it!
The fact that this definition will get rejected.
Me: I call it "Urban Dictionary Logic".
Also Me: oh shit it actually worked?
Every Word Defined On Urban Dictionary Is for A Lead Of A Verse
Surprisingly Actaully really nice people.
Fixed a bug that I sent them a complaint about.
The urban dictionary team rejected my definition.
The urban dictionary team fixed a bug I complained about.