When you come up with a word and you post it on urban dictionary to make it officially yours.
Bro that comment i made up on some random post ended up getting 3000 likes! the word was so funny that i Urban Dictionaried it.
When your scrolling though urban dictionary and you find a weird obscure word difined only by the Urban Dictionary, that applies perfectly a current situation with you or a friend.
You - *scrolling through Urban Dictionary* Hey that's a weird saying, omg that totally applies to me right now
Friend - "You just got urban dictionaried dude"
the word that destroy urban dictionary is ※ yea this thing destroys the website
the urban dictionary destroyer is ※
Your name found on Urban Dictionary which has nothing to do with you, yet you repost on social media pretending it was written about you.
All these dumb stupid bitches thing their urban dictionary name definition about them.
Tosh Zhang looks orbit. Bye bye Urban Dictionary hate you too!
Tosh Zhang looks orbit. Bye bye Urban Dictionary hate you too!
a telegram bot which gives you a definition of your word, from urban dictionary
Let's use the urban dictionary bot to find out the meaning of his name!
Person 1: "Howdy-do, another beautiful day!
Urban Dictionary Creator: "Take em' away boys. He knows too much.
A random stranger: THINK ABOUT IT PERSON 1! Do you remember what you ate yesterday? Who is your mom? Why is your name "Person 1"? CAN YOU EVEN SEE ME RIGHT NOW?! You have to help me! help us esca-"
Urban dictionary creator: You don't believe anything he said down there, do ya?
Person 1: um... uh... nope!
Urban dictionary creator: good.
Person 1: "Wait. What's gonna happen now? am I going to die? Am I going to be erased from the universe forever? NO PLEASE! HELP ME ! HELP-
Dear urban dictionary editors: Please let this story of People in an Urban Dictionary description through. I spent 30 mins on it. By the way, your hair is looking very nice today! And that outfit too! very niiiiiiice!