Obese mid-thirties male with a Michael Cera type stache, man bag and a striped fedora.
Do NOT look across the street Michael, we got a AAAAH MY EYES!! IT BUURNS!!
A bridge card black eye is a Michigan reference to when you are dating a girl with food stamps and you piss her off so much she violently whips her Bridge Card (a debit card, credit card, or Blockbuster gift card can be substituted as well) at your face hard enough to give you a black eye.
My buddy Dave told his girlfriend that he cheated on her with her sister AND brother so she gave him a bridge card black eye.
When you coat your finger in coffee grounds and shove it up her ass.
You should have seen her face when the percolator finished and I gave her the East End Eye Opener.
Based on Icup, say eye one two and spell cup, here's the trick
Me: say eye one two and spell cup
Person:eye one two cup (I Want To See You Pee)
When you are potentially blind and drive a ~60 mile round trip between Durham and Barnard Castle with your family to validate that you can see properly
That Coronavirus was a stinker - better risk my family with the old Barnard Castle Eye Test before I drive back to London
noun. red-eye jet-i is a type of Marajuana that gives you the redest eyes. This weed is so dank after you are stoned out of your mind you will forget your eyes are red and most likely get cought.
(from experience of smokeing red-eye jet-i do not forget to put eye drops in before the prosses of smokeing(it still works as well as putting them after just you dont forget))
redness of the eye after a night of drinking, often caused by popped blood vessels.
Man! did you see that Doon's eye? he must have drank way too much last night!
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