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dreidel dreidel game

A game typically played by jews, the rules consist of spinning a dreidel and whoever gets the highest number railes the fattest jews mom.

I won the dreidel dreidel game and got to derail nelly kelly, shit was gas pack.

by Pawgybaka August 27, 2021

Hairy Dad Game

Games in which a retired hairy army vet would play. Such as XCom, Mordhau, Arma, Ect.

Arma 3 is such a hairy dad game.

by Copium115 July 23, 2021

Tester Game Fatigue

After going through the development cycle for years, game testers grow tired of the game they work on and often times no longer have the desire to play the game.

Joe: "Hey you want to play this new game that came out? Its awesome"
Tester: "No thanks, I have Tester Game Fatigue. Spending 3 years on every little detail for long hours has sapped my desire in playing the game."

by reptot the king of lost emails October 17, 2014

florida state game

A code word for a hook up/ date .

Samantha and I are going to watch the Florida state game later.

by Jakehermanwillalwaysbeavirgin November 5, 2017

Penis Enis Game

The following are the rules how The Penis Enis Game is played.

One person tries to recite the following in 9 consecutive messages:

The recipient's goal is to "block" the Penis Enis by writing "Penis" before the sender can recite the full Penis Enis sequence.

Him: "Penis

Me: Penis

Him: Damn, nice block

Me: Yeah, you suck at the Penis Enis Game I always beat you.

by ericinman September 9, 2020

Game Zone 899

A person who plays music to 307 people his alternate channel Jack Clay Music

I love Game Zone 899 content

by EnderF0x__ May 4, 2022

The creator games 2

a piece of shit

me: creator games were shit right
you: yo ik the creator games 2 were real shit imao

by Memeplex October 23, 2020