the t means you are so T
T = bad
Hey did you know yesterday you was so T and youre the t
A slang term for the large public housing project in the Cincinnati neighborhood of Winton Hills, known for its run down conditions and crime. The term is derived from the letter T in name of the housing project, "Winton Terrace".
Ah shit, we're in The T, let's get the hell outta here.
A very cool man whos also very cool. He plays game : roblox XD . He makes cars in roblox XD
glass223: "I am going to buy a doing ur mom urban disctionary mug"
t$udeki: "Stupid millenials."
t-mobile's service sucks ass so everyone calls it t blowble
Meagan: Can i borrow your phone?
Casey: Yeah, but i have no service. I have T Blobile
after som1 is ded a magic man com to screen and sey S A N T I A G O
A: Hello pamtri
B: Hello S A N T I A G O
A: make a new video
B: no
A: N O W Y O U M U S T D I E
B: no
A: y
B: Because we are T I G H T ER than bark on a tree
A: oh ok
B: NoW yOu MuSt DiE
A: oh ok
B: S A N T I A G O
An extreme insult commonly used by basement dwellers on discord to mock normal human beings that go outside. Could also be portrayed as a slur towards normal people.
Yo gi t osle9 your a bitch. What did I Do? You went outside you sun fucker.