When 2 guys with erect penises walk toward each other and touch tips. Like 2 Orcas kissing in the ocean
Jason wanted to compare dick size so we orca kissed and I am bigger
On January 7th, go up to a vsco girl and try to kiss them.
Ex- Patrick: I’m so glad Alexa is a VSCO girl,
John: why?
Patrick: because it’s Kiss a VSCO Day and Alexa is hot.
*patrick makes out with Alexa*
A sweet and loving gesture that turns into violent and aggressive rape.
John: "Did you hear that Vincent got a Crimean Kiss?"
Jared: "What happened?"
John: "Lisa hugged and kissed Vincent yesterday, shortly before tying him to the bed and raping him."
A Metal head kiss is when you and your partner stick both of your tongues out at the same time and make them touch, but only a touch, any longer is just an ordinary tongue kiss.
Dave:" I Metal head kissed sandra last night, weird feeling"
Gary:" Oh, I might try it with Ash tonight, blast some slayer cuz why not"
Both in unison:" FUCKING SLAYER!!!"
When you love kissing so much and it turns you on
P1:oh yea my girl kept kissing me and she kept getting more aggressive while we made out
P2: my guy. Your girl might have a kissing kink
On December 31, you and your homie have full permission to be each others new years kiss. Go to your closest homie and give them a kiss for good luck in the new year
Bro, it’s December 31 and my girl isn’t here
Well, it’s Kiss your homie day normally, so we might as well kiss
this the day you kiss a kaiden and he has to kiss you back for a recored 10-15 seconds no excuses from or her FEBUARY 28!!!!