Any act or service that could command a price, but is done freely for the sake of getting laid.
I came up with this when my bro mentioned remodeling his ex-wifes home.
"Damn, so are you getting paid for this or is it pro BONE-o?"
A type of jack o'lantern made only in Michigan. The face is carved into a parsnip instead of a pumpkin. It's kind of creepy. Also called a 'Gander Jack.
I love making Michigander jack o lantern with my friends
A Beggar who begs for anything and everything you ever had, have now or ever will have.
That Beg-O-Bot standing on the Freeway off ramp holding a carboard sign is such a creep give it a penny and it will show up on your front door begging for the aluminum beer cans from the cold pack you just bought at Kroger 10 minutes ago and cash money for the homeless shelter it lives in.
A saying used for girls who are different from the crowd, and also to describe their very tight vagina. Usually described as cringy or a loner, most of the time these females are Goth, Emo, Alt, or sometimes even dress up in slight furry attire such as cat ears and or a tail. While they can be quite weird those who are lucky enough to have sex with them will describe their pussy to be immaculate or "Grippy", which is a way of saying that their vagina is very tight. Men of course love their partners to have a tight vagina as it leads to better sex for both the Male and Female.
"Hey man did you see the new girl? Goth chicks are so weird."
"Nah man Goth chicks are fine as fuck, I bet you that she's got a Grip-O-Matic"
a person that fights for Theocratic Fascism in government, pushing unconstitutional Christian laws on the US population
Mitch McConnell uses his Senate seat to push a Christ-O-Fascist laws through the Senate
a task or feat that turns out to be incredibly simple, when originally thought to be difficult or nearly impossible.
Person one: I think I just failed that test.
Person two: Really? But it was totally bag o' snacks.
Person one: You suck.