when a guy adds everything in,Should this be in Urban Dictionary? voting poll
for females: that one nice girl in urb dic
my dads that one nice guy in urb dic.
Refers to Haven members wiping on Faerlina petrification pull. Also, commonly used during any other time whilst raiding.
You guys are griefing me. Insane. I will retire "soon". You guys are Dogs!
A love triangle between two men who have never met and another mutual male friend (not to be confused with Two Girls One Cup.)
I think Bob, Joe, and I should get together. We could be two guys and a dude, if you know what I mean.
bay area slang for a Indian man with dark complexion, similar to those of african descent
that man is a rohit guy, stay away
July 22nd. Kick any guy in the nuts AS MANY TIMES IF THEY MEAN TO YOU
"Uh oh, it's July 22nd"
Noun - A person who, without fail, completes his daily tasks to the extreme, with no expense spared, and no detail too small. Who cannot accept good enough, and failure is never an option... ever.
Adj - To out do yourself; over-the-top; to sweat perfection.
History - a Desert Guy is one who can make a a piece of metal look like art or a pile of scrap go balls out through the desert. He is one who's vehicle never, ever breaks down, and always carries on. He has built so many redundancies into his machines that ten things can fail, and he still has a backup. He spends countless hours and untold dollars tinkering and perfecting. Taken from the world of off-road racing.
Abbrieviated - DG
"Man, That new fire extinguisher mount you made is unbelievable! Your a Desert Guy."
"Don't DG it! It doesn't have to be pretty! I need it tomorrow, not next week."
The sexual act of combining the use of ribbed condoms and barbecue sauce as lube.
Jerry: “My boyfriend gave me the Guy Fieri last night!”
Linda: “You should’ve invited me. I wanted a taste”