The overwhelming influx of Testosterone flowing through a males blood vessels mainly pooling at the genital area in which contributes to an excessive use of toxic masculinity.
“Yo bro! I just got that High T work out in..” “Word? I’m feeling more like a high anxiety/low energy Jeb Bush today.. peg me later? I could really use some of that High T..”
A person who deliberately under dresses for occasions so they can get close to men who already have spouses/girlfriends. The outfit is usually a t-shirt and jeans but can differ depending on the setting. In the workplace it can be the gray skirt suit set while at the PTA it can be the floral muumuu.
"Look at that muumuu wearing t-shirt hoe that is up on Carol's man again. He's married beyottch!"
"Hey Ms. t-shirt hoe! I can see you pushing up your boobs on my man again, get a bigger t-shirt next time."
When the kid, who's usually quiet and subdued rises up and burns the hell out of someone and no one sees it coming. Usually followed by a shocked silence, and a whispered, "Harsh, bro, harsh"
Onlooker 1: Dude, did you just hear that?
Onlooker 2: Yeah, man he just T-scorched the hell outta that kid.
Onlooker 1: Man, that was harsh.
a magnicifent sign for the real Tabibz identity.
€ cuz Tabibz loves Europe (esp. the Netherlands)
T cuz it is the first letter