Some thing you say to a person that is fake and did someone wrong and you want them to move on and stop talking to them
Ok then, kiss your snake (Kys)
What you say to a person that is fake and you want them to move on
I’m tired of you, Kiss your snake then
When one uses their eyelashes to tickle a woman’s clitoris.
A butterfly kiss but down under.
You see his eyelashes? I’d let him give me an Australian butterfly kiss.
To "hold hands and almost kiss" is a term used in the incel community and for those who have been friend-zoned and often unironically denotes an unrequited interest or unstable platonic friendship.
So what if she's had a boyfriend throughout our friendship!? There HAS to be something between us because of all the times we held hands and almost kissed!
Originating from a tiktok by musician Junie from Junie and the HutFriends, it featured in a guess the shape video. However, the editing was done in a way distorting Junie's body into the shape of the said "kissing leaf".
The kissing leaf is supposed to be holly, but it should've been mistletoe because thats the one you kiss under at Christmas time.
Junie got banned because of her kissing leaf video, unfortunately :(
Guy 1: "yo did u see that vid that Junie posted?"
Guy 2: "oh yeah, the kissing leaf one? It was kinda.. unsettling-"
When Smoking Weed, One Person Takes A Drag, Holds It In, And Kisses Someone Exhaling, While The Person Receiving Is Inhaling.
Guy:: -Takes A Drag And Kisses The Girl-
Girl:: -Inhales The Drag-
Guy2:: Nice Kiss Shot.